suggestions for Clock angles
0° Completion
of the old, birth of the new cycle, seeding of new ideas.
30° First noticeable manifestation of new idea. 60° New idea becomes integrated into society's approach. 90° Obstacles to growth, challenges to the spread of the idea. 120° Surge in opportunities, motivation and aspiration. Growth of the idea. 150° Improving and adjusting for full potential. 180° Efforts reach greatest fruition but inherent contradictions appear. 210° Coming to grasp the contradictions, making necessary adjustments. 240° Pervasive enjoyment and fulfilment in what has been achieved. 270° Key questions and challenges confront the survival of the idea. 300° Working out of remaining potential, foresight into future approach. 330° Philosophical understanding of past cycle starts to emerge. |
Astro Graphics, 2001 World
Clocks Update of page 43 |