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Chart for Zacharias Moussaoui
Born: 30 May 1968, 20h20, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France
Supposed Al-Quaeda terrorist, arrested in 2001 & condemned in 2006
High declination planets indicate experiences with relief.
Solstice axis across the 1-7th Houses: the archetype of relationship is challenged by differences or exclusions.
Equatorial axis across the 4-10th Houses: his carreer and family life are places where he feels better balance.
Data sources: AA - Birth Certificate ;
Information from Didier Geslain (FDAF)
Progressed Declinations (all above charts made with Zodiac 5.2)
- All the Moon-Uranus conjunctions are occultations (between January 1968 and January 1969).
- On 20-21 June 1968, 3 tight conjunctions came together close to thier maxima of declination (this is where May 68 leads).
- Note the 21 June 2001 Sun eclipse came right on the same degree, 0° Cancer (his arrest dates from August 2001).
Other dates - 6 June, Mercury R, at 2° Cancer - 30 June, Mercury D, at 23° Gemini.
Precise Progressed Phenomena