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Chart  for  Nicolas Sarkozy

Born: 28 January 1955, Paris XVII, France
French politician, Interior Minister and candidate in the 2007 presidential elections.


Equatorial axis across the 1-7th Houses: relationship with people is experienced on an equal base.
Solstice axis across the 4-10th Houses: his career and home life are colored with challenges and relief.

The slow planets surrounding his Ascendant tend to favor his own personal interest and purposes,
leaving less attention to his partner or to others in general. If elected president, his behavior
could turn against the interest of the majority of French people.

   Data : AA - Birth Certificate gives 22h.

Source from Daisy Van de Vin - In Maison III n° 110 (19 Dec. 2006), Cedra. Photo FT.

Progressed Declinations (all above charts made with Zodiac 5.2)

- The rapid planets tend to ascend by declination and develop outwardly.
- Mercury retrogrades between a parallel to Neptune and to Saturn, and is in between occulted by the Moon close to its own natal declination.
- In 2007, at 52 years old by secundary progression, Mercury is still close to parallel its natal position.

Precise Progressed Phenomena: Mercury retrogrades just after birth between 29° and 14° Aquarius, and
repeats twice its natal square to Scorpio Saturn and opposition to Leo Pluto (his speeches don't say it all).
Mercury's inferior conjunction to the Sun, on 12 Feb at 23° Aquarius insits on the same aspects again! :-(

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