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Chart  for  Ségolène Royal

Born: 22 September 1953, 16h10, Dakar, Senegal
French politician and companion of François Hollande: both in the Socialist Party.


Equatorial axis across the 2-8th Houses: The Virgo Sun and the Pisces Moon are both on the Equator.
She can share values with people, on an equal base.
Solstice axis across the 5-11th Houses: High declination planets indicate experiences with relief.
Gemini Jupiter and Cancer Uranus show where she experiences difficult challenges:
sharing four children with François Hollande, organising her timing is indeed a true challenge!

The majority of the planets surrounding the Descendant indicate her capacity to listen to others, and to compromize in partnership.

Ségolène Royal & Fr. Hollande

Data sources from Patrice Petitallot - In Maison III n°106 (10 Fev. 2006), Cedra. Photo Reuters.

Progressed Declinations (all above charts made with Zodiac 5.2)

- The rapid planets, decending by declination, develop inner values and stable roots.
- What is kind of remarquable is that her progressed chart for 2006 reaches the birthdate of Dominique de Villepin (born 15 Nov. 1953, and prime minister at the time of the 2007 presidential elections).
- In 2007, at 54 years old by secundary progression, Mercury cazimi at 22° Scorpio conjunct to her Midheaven indicates her maturity for leadership. Also parallel to her Aquarius Ascendant, this aspect reinforces her modern personality, shown by the numerous occultations of Uranus around her birth.

Precise Progressed Phenomena insist on a repetition of certain degrees: 14° and 22°
(those degrees become sensitive degrees to transits).

7 Sept Sun-Mer 14°VIR, 8 Sept New Moon 15°VIR, 4Oct. Venus Mars 12°VIR, 8 Oct New Moon 14°LIB, 6 Nov New Moon 14°SCO;
3 Sept Moon-Ura 21°CAN, 1 Oct Moon-Ura 22°CAN, 17 Oct Sun-Nep 23°LIB, 28 Oct Moon-Ura 23°CAN, 14 Nov Sun-Mer 22°SCO

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