Its graphics provide a precise visual aid highlighting and revealing the hidden facets of Transits and Secondary Progressions
The 3 Graphs together :
2011 new
2010 new
2009 new
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C l i p a r t E p h e m e r i s C D - R O M
Compiled by Astrid Fallon and André Vander Linden
Geocentric Longitude and Declination
The circular longitude charts and the declination graphs illustrate planetary motions through the Tropical Zodiac. The Clipart Ephemeris views planetary details at a glance. This tool is a complement to "The Precise Planetary Phenomena" collection.
Clipart CD Contents
Readme.doc (This file) or Readme.txt
lisez_moi.doc (ce document en français) ou lisez_moi.txt
To Order Form.html (commandes )
1. Visual PP – Intro
Program Acrobat 7 (for reading PDF files)
2. Natural Astrology
Article on “Natural Astrology”: Fallon-AJ-natural astrology.pdf
(Astrological Journal -Astrological Association of GB-, Vol. 47. N°3, May-June 2005)
3. Annual Circular - 150 years - Specimen for 2001
151 gif files in Circular Zodiac, covering years from 1900 to 2050
4. Annual Declinations - 150 years - Specimen for 2001
151 gif files of Declinations covering years from 1900 to 2050
4. Declinations by 11 years
15 gif files, each including 11 years, from 1900 to 2050
5. Annual Longitudes - 150 years - Specimen for 2001
151 gif files of Longitudes covering years from 1900 to 2050
5. Longitudes by 11 years
15 gif files covering years from 1900 to 2050
6. Precise Planetary Phenomena
Description - PPP 1920-2020.doc (as from the cover)
User Guide / Guide d'utilisation A4.pdf + User guide, in bmp, gif and jpeg format
Sample-2001 and
Sample-2005, in bmp, gif and jpeg format
7. Clipart Gallery
Gallery exhibition.html to enter the gallery