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The Precise Planetary Phenomena  1920-2030

Fallon Astro Graphics -

Its aesthetic graphics provide a precise visual aid highlighting the qualities of each conjunction and revealing the hidden facets of Transits and Secondary Progressions

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The Precise Planetary Phenomena:  44 pages. Size: 21 x 29,7 cm. In 11 Volumes.

New revised edition in 2013

Compiled by Astrid Fallon and André Vander Linden.

The Year-to-a-spread Ephemeris

The publication's purpose is to provide astrologers with a visual aid for following planetary motions. The precision highlights the quality of each conjunction, mainly by its tropical longitude, but also by declination degree and by their distance apart in declination. This holistic way to keep track of Transits, is astonishingly useful for catching the hidden facets of Secondary progressions. The authors attempt to illustrate with eye catching aesthetic graphics is designed to facilitate positive and intuitive interpretations too! Time used is G.M.T.

Illustration by progressed phenomena of famous people: Precise Phenomena in Practice

Geocentric Longitude and Declination
The circular longitude charts and tables illustrate the qualities of planetary motions through the Tropical Zodiac. The Declination graphs and tables help to keep track with the sky's 3rd dimension. What is original in this book, beyond the graphics, is to provide most of the data with longitude co-ordinates. This practical information optimizes precision ready for delineation. Times, longitudes and declination are given for ALL conjunctions between the luminaries and the planets, eclipses, occultations and cazimi included. Longitudes are also given for the planets stations, the major aspects, the lunations, the apsides -apogee and perigee-, the Moon and planets Maxima and minima, the crossings of equator, and their passage through their nodes. Time is given for the Moon and planet ingresses. Aspects graphs and monthly ephemeris are also included

Heliocentric Longitude and Latitude
A monthly heliocentric ephemeris is combined with major aspects, planetary nodes and distances, the aphelia and perihelia

Astrological History
To make this book complete, historical data was added to reflect the synchronous planetary cycles.

Specimen for 2001 ->

Specimen for 2013




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Price :

25 € each
90 € for 5
145 € for all 11

25 €pièce
90 € pour 5
130 € pour 11

    © 2005-2015, Astrid Fallon and André Vander Linden. All rights reserved.

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Astrid Fallon,
117 Chemin des Salles,   83300 Draguignan,   France
Tel : +33   (0) ;   Mobile :   +33   (0) ;   Email:   fallonastrographics @ free.fr
