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Fallon Astro Graphics ~ Newsletter ~ 04

30th December 2002

Newsletter 04

December 2002

2003, A Year for Compromise

With Saturn’s exception, as many planets oppose each other, in the fixed signs Leo and Aquarius, we will need to find a balance between the old classic (summer fruits) and the new modern world (bare seeds). Either we clash, or we manage to integrate the differences, the only way to survive with style! Leo and Aquarius or Virgo and Pisces (other oppositions), moving in declination towards the equator, facilitate unity, as already witnessed in Copenhagen : a Europe of 25 members.

The key degrees for us to watch and use in transit in our charts during 2003 :
a) 0°-2° :
- Gemini NN in March.
- Tight Venus-Uranus conjunction at 0° Pisces (March 28)
- Mars-Uranus conjunction (June 23).
- Saturn is cazimi by the Sun at 2° Cancer (June 24), plus Saturn trines Uranus the same day.
- Jupiter opposes Uranus at 0° Virgo-Pisces (Aug. 30).
- Mars occultation by the Moon at 2° Pisces (Sept 9) and at 1° (Oct 6).
- These degrees are not only activated by Uranus and Mars towards the end of the year, but also by the New Moons of the last quarter, in particular the (Oct 25) New Moon at 1°41 Scorpio, occurring within close orb to Mercury cazimi by the Sun and Mercury occultation by the Moon, or the sun eclipse at 1° Sag (Nov 23).
b) 10°-13° : MAJOR DEGREES
- Out of bound New Moon on Jan 2nd at 12° Cap : deep emotions will here seed their annual dreams in new sun cycle.
- As the first New Moons of the year happen a few months in a row around 12° of the successive signs, crossing mainly Neptune and Jupiter opposing each other on the same degrees (11° Aquarius and Leo). The February 1st New Moon at 12° Aquarius is conjunct Neptune, when the Moon is in fact parallel to Mercury, Venus and Mars and contra-// to Saturn. And the Sun eclipse (May 31) at 9° Gemini is not far.
- Venus-Neptune conjunction at 12 Aquarius (March 12).
- Mars-Neptune conjunction at 13 ° Aquarius (May 14).
- Mercury-Venus conjunction at 13° Taurus (May 27) + at 13° Gemini (June 21) !
- Jupiter-Neptune opposition at 13° Leo-Aquarius (June 3).
- Sun-Mercury conjunction at 13° Cancer (July 5).
- Saturn-Neptune quincunx at 11° Cancer-Aquarius (Sept 5 + Dec 14).
- Saturn: St R at 13° Cancer (Oct 25) + sextile 13° Virgo Jupiter (Nov 1).
c) 18° :
- Jupiter-Pluto trine at 18° Leo-Sag (July 1).
d) 23°-25° :
- Mercury-Jupiter conjunction at 23° Leo (July 26).
- Sun-Venus conjunction at 25 Leo (Aug 18).
e) 28°-30° :
- The Full Moons occur near 27° during the 1st quarter. On Feb 16 at 27° Aquarius, it aspects Uranus, just before a Sun-Uranus cazimi.
- NN from May to July in Taurus.
- Venus-Jupiter conjunction at 29° Leo (Aug 21) + Sun-Jupiter cazimi on the same degree (Aug 22).
- Uranus Stationary D at 29° Aquarius (Nov 8).

The above listed degrees carry the major energies available in 2003, use them fruitfully. More details available in the Rainbow Ephemeris.

Rainbow Ephemeris 2003 : the Astro Graphic Calendar and Carto Graphic Phenomena are now combined. Astrology in colours, in charts and graphs of Time in 3 dimensions. As an astrological tool, this one is indispensable, helps one understand at a glance what is happening up there and portrays the planetary system, as a living and dynamic being, where the chart is not just a glyph alignment on a circle .

The advantages of this new tool ?
- The planetary motions appear in relief.
- The aspect tables catch quickly the general mood of a given period.
- The 4 Moon phases, eclipses, occultations and cazimis have been added on the declination graphs. No software can yet list the cazimis or occultations, and no ephemerises give the longitude positions of the aspected planets.
- The children to be born in 2003, will later be glad to find their transits and progressions all cooked as lists, drawings and graphs...

Selected phenomena for cartography :
- Sun-Neptune Cazimi : Jan 30
- Sun-Uranus Cazimi : Feb 17
- Tight Venus-Uranus conjunction : March 28
- Sun-Mercure Cazimi : May 7
- Total Moon Eclipse : May 16
- Annular Sun Eclipse : May 31
- Sun-Saturn Cazimi : June 24
- Sun-Jupiter Cazimi + Vénus : Aug 22
- Moon -Mars Occultation + Uranus : Sept 9
- Moon-Mercure Occultation : Oct 25 (close to the New Moon, a Sun-Mercury Cazimi and a Moon-Venus Occultation )
- Totale Moon Eclipse : Nov 9
- Total Sun Eclipse : Nov 23

Astro Fun Diary 2003 :
with it’s daily ephemeris, it’s major aspect list and it’s charts, it allows easy planning.

My New year’s wish is to help you become even better astrologers…

© Astrid Fallon. Sheffield, 30th December 2002.

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